Perhaps the anti-christ has not yet come, but the spirit of anti-christ is everywhere. Even though we have not reached that point in Bible prophesy, the signs of the coming of the anti-christ are as sure as the leaves beginning to bud on the fig tree.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Perhaps the anti-christ has not yet come, but the spirit of anti-christ is everywhere. Even though we have not reached that point in Bible prophesy, the signs of the coming of the anti-christ are as sure as the leaves beginning to bud on the fig tree.
Sunday, September 19, 2010

During the last few months, a summer replacement show called Master Chef joined the other reality TV shows such as America's Got Talent, So You Think You Can Dance, and of course American Idol. Again, like the others, the show was a competition, for amateur cooks, that had thousands of applicants; for those whose dream is to be a the head chef in a fancy restaurant. Gordon Ramsey was the host. There were fifteen thousand applicants that auditioned. Out of that number, only the top fifty would be selected to compete in the television series. The winner of the competition, America's first Master Chef, would receive $250,000 with a cook book deal, perhaps worth millions, and guest appearances on television shows throughout the land.

Thursday, August 26, 2010
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Without reservation, I confess that during those sixty six years, I have not lived the Christian life the way it is intended. Along through my journey through life, I discovered things about myself which happen to be true with every man. As a human being, it turns out that there are three of us; the physical body, the one we have now that grows old, sick, and finally dies. The spirit; that part of us that lives forever, and the soul, which consists of the mind, will, and emotions. There's also three lives to every man; his public life, on the job, in the public arena. The second one is his private life; when he is at home with his family, mowing the grass, and relaxing while watching the NFL on TV. Then there is man's secret life; you know, the one he lives when he's alone, out of town on a business trip, or involved in something he shouldn't. I learned about these nuggets of knowledge later than most men because I was slow maturing into a real man, busy doing my own thing. Aside from making a lot of bad choices and mistakes along the way, I lived my life at times with reckless abandon. If you believe in personality types; Type A or Type B, I was definitely Type A, and had the attitude that I was born to have a good time. To me, the line in the Declaration of Independence, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness should have read pursuit of a good time. Even though, I was technically Born Again, I did not have the renewing of the mind which is supposed to come with it. I did have a renewing of the mind; it didn't last. I still had the rebellion of backslider. Self gratification was my daily goal. Any time I would see something that appeared to be fun, I had to try it out. For example, I was covering a Georgia Bulldog football game in Athens as part of my job as a photographer for WSB Sports and witnessed the launching of a hot air balloon outside of Sanford Stadium on the UGA campus. It didn't take long for me to find a some balloonists and do a story on them, getting some free balloon rides. I invited my brother along and almost got him killed when he was in another balloon and it struck a radio tower in Lawrenceville.
On November 15, 1989, became the day when I became to know Jesus up close and personally. A thunderstorm system moved through the state of Alabama leaving wide swaths of destruction in the wake of numerous tornadoes that had touched down. More than twenty people were killed in Anniston when an apartment complex was splintered by one of the many twisters. That same storm system was heading up Interstate 85 toward Atlanta. I was sent down to wait on the chaotic weather to arrive. I didn't have to wait long. Having just filled my tank in my five ton live truck, the type that has a telescoping, retractable forty foot mast, I was waiting in a Gulf service station with the double side doors open, sitting in the captain's chair at the video edit station and live microwave console with my camera sitting on my knees, taping hail stones as they struck the black asphalt pavement. It quickly became a lightning storm unlike anything I had ever seen before. I heard a buzzing and cracking sound as it began to rain hard and lightning in every direction. I looked through the wind shield as the wipers went back and forth, and that's when I saw the ominous, very menacing funnel cloud only about a hundred yards away, back lit by lightning coming from every direction. Stunned by witnessing an empty service station vanish in front of my eyes. I had a decision to make, and really I didn't know what to do. Putting my camera down, and climbing into the driver's seat would take up what time I had in an attempt to save the truck. That's when the inner voice spoke to me, loud and clear, "get out of the truck!" I did just that, and taking my camera with me, I ran inside the Gulf station and warned everyone to get down, a tornado was upon us. I took refuge behind a Coke machine which was sucked out into the parking lot leaving me

This part was documented on video by myself as I approached the crumpled van. I was completely overwhelmed by what I saw; the most frightening few moments in my life, realizing if I hadn't heeded the voice that told me to get out of the truck, I would have certainly been killed. You can hear me on the video sobbing, because I knew that it was the Lord who saved me from certain death. That was the first time I got up close and personal with the Lord.
The next four days were very critical for me; barely clinging onto life. The reports that my wife, family and friends were getting from the doctors were not in the least encouraging. I had undergone open heart surgery, and had been placed on a LVad machine, a heart pump, that no one had ever lived more that four days while attached to it. I was on it for almost a week. The call for prayer went out and there must have been thousands praying for me. I was placed into an induced coma where I was for fifteen days. During that time, I had a visitation from the Lord, not knowing if it were a dream, a vision, or an over active imagination fueled by drugs that had hallucinogenic side effects. It appeared more like stage production, with a beginning, middle, and an ending. I did not recall the visitation in chronological order, but rather piecemeal after I had come out of the coma. Being a video editor, I took the scene and edited it in my mind while conscious. The doctors told me that it was the drugs that caused the dream.
It wasn't until I was taken off life support that I would begin to turn around.When I came out of the coma, I sat up on the edge of the bed in my room at St. Joseph's in Atlanta. I could see myself in the mirror. I saw a different person in the mirror. Somehow, miraculously, my countenance had returned.
Today, I consider myself healed. All my symptoms of congestive heart failure are gone. I feel the best I have felt in several years. However, more important now than ever before is that I finally have real peace and joy in my life. I am no longer afraid of dying because I rest in the Lord, and it is He who decides when it is time for me to move on. A miracle? You decide.
Those that wait upon the Lord will gain new strength. They shall mount up on the wings of eagles. They shall run and not be weary and walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, February 14, 2010
No one was any more shocked than I when my daughter informed me by telephone at 1:30 Sunday morning, that our former pastor and co-founder of Living Way Church had passed due to complications from pneumonia. At the time of this writing, I know few details. My wife Meg and I are deeply saddened by the passing of Veronica Reece. Our prayers and condolences go out to Pastor Scott and his family.
Certainly, the passing of Veronica Reece was untimely and completely unexpected. This should remind all of us, that nothing is as uncertain as life. No one knows when their soul is required of them, which is why it is of utmost importance that our salvation above everthing else be secured when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.Knowing Bishop Scott Reece as I do, he is deeply grieved for having his beloved wife and mother of his children taken from him, but he would be the last one to blame God for his loss. I am confident that Bishop Reece will remain unshaken in his faith. During times like these, we can be truly thankful that our Lord has given us the Peace that Passes All Understanding.
Death is something we all are going to have to deal with; for death is part of living. Both spiritually and philosophically, we as Christians have an edge over the non believers in that our faith teaches us that death is not the final episode in the never ending journey through eternity. Right now, we cannot see the broader picture, only images that are conjured up when we were in Sunday School of the City of Golden Streets and the lion lying down with the kid. Just as the caterpillar wraps itself in a cocoon, it has no foretaste of what happens next, only that in the spring, the precipice, the opening of the cocoon and a beautiful butterfly emerges. Death is simply a portal, that allows our spirit to travel from this world which is temporal to that one which is eternal. We can only imagine what it's like on the other side, but one thing is for sure; it will be glorious. We will be able to enjoy our new bodies; ones that don't grow old, get sick, and die, but a new one that will last forever. Being children of the Most High God, we can be thankful that He gave us the opportunity to be born again into His kingdom, through the free gift of eternal life through Him, we will once again meet with our loved ones who have gone on before us. My vivid, God given imagination shows me that now our beloved pastor, friend, mother and sister is sitting at the feet of Jesus, and He is holding her hand and she is grinning ear to ear.
Dan Casey 14 February 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010

Elvis was an isolated and lonely man; his manager Colonel Tom Parker made sure that Elvis was well protected and not over exposed. The Colonel's over protection probably indirectly contributed to his premature death. Being cooped up in one place for long periods of time, one is likely to get bored, one can get cabin fever and it opens the door for other things, unwanted things to enter in. My wife recalls that Elvis was not only nice, but super nice. He had rented a theater in Memphis and invited only his friends so that he could be with them. There was a double feature playing at the theater; neither were Elvis movies. The limo picked up Meg and her only contact with Elvis was at the theater where he kept asking her if she needed anything and wished her to have a good time. My wife didn't realize that Elvis had probably twenty dates that evening. The next evening, Elvis rented the fairgrounds after hours where it was reported that he was more like himself.
Being blessed with having the most perfect male singing voice, Elvis was becoming more and more popular while the hits just kept coming. His rapid success was suddenly interrupted when he was drafted by the Army. He didn't try to skirt or dodge his responsibility, but rather made it a part of the man called Elvis. He was treated like any other soldier, serving in Germany in the tank corp as a private. The Army basked in Elvis' popularity and the favorable press they received from it; even to let him perform occasionally. His managers saw this as another opportunity to exploit his immensely growing popularity, coming out with the movie, "GI Blues."
There were the tabloid stories concerning Elvis and his marriage to Priscilla, with its high visibility and social limelight, constantly being thrown on them. Elvis and Priscilla had some happy times, but the relationship became strained when Elvis retreated from her for reasons only known to them. Elvis began having doubts about his marriage to Priscilla which is what happens when a couple looking for either a trophy husband or wife, and in this case both, was a factor in the union. Priscilla sought more notoriety for herself because she had been relegated to a position to which was she was not accustomed, and although it wasn't obvious to the Elvis fans, there was contention between the two of them. Their breakup was plastered over the covers of every major tabloid magazine world wide.
Elvis was a high priced commodity, which Elvis often thought of more as a curse than a blessing. He resented being treated like an object, but being the nice, gracious and magnanimous, cooperative nice guy that he was, he was easily manipulated. In his prime, Elvis tucked away in the safe confines of Graceland, found himself even more miserable without Priscilla, and became lonelier than ever. He had trouble sleeping, and was more bored with his life in Graceland which had become a prison for him.
Elvis became the favorite topic for the tabloids. There were the alleged sexual affairs, the rumors of Elvis' voyeuristic tendencies; where he would watch others having sex either by closed circuit TV or one way mirrors. None of this was ever really proved; but as far as the media goes; don't let the truth stand in the way of a good story, especially if it sells magazines. Elvis' involvement with pain killers, barbiturates to help him sleep; uppers and downers, accompanied him when he went on the road, but went unchecked when he gave performances that left his audiences clamouring for more. The phrase, used after he had left the stage, "Elvis has left the building" became an adage that is used still today. Elvis was a true professional; never did he leave his fans disappointed. According a friend who was in one of the gospel groups that backed him up both in the recording studio and the concert tour told me, Everybody, literally everybody loved him. One of the most admirable events in Elvis' life that really helped form my final opinion of him was when he gave a concert in Atlanta at the now, only a memory, OMNI, there were thousands of counterfeit tickets sold and it left many fans bitterly disappointed because their seats were stolen from them. What did Elvis do? Elvis had another unscheduled concert following the one that he gave. That concert was also sold out, but Elvis himself made sure that those who had their seats stolen from them, had prime seats up front at the second concert. I have never before or since heard of anyone of doing this for their fans.
While it is true that Elvis didn't do as well as we would like in his last year or so, Elvis we must remember was not the perfect human; he had his faults and like so many, he fell victim to his own devices. Elvis died at Graceland on August 16, 1977. Within a day or so after Elvis' death, I was talking to Jim Howell, part of the Jim and John duo at WSB AM 750 before it became all news talk. Howell was the consummate Elvis fan as was John Moore. Jim wept when he heard the bad news of Elvis' death. I wasn't in a very good mood myself. I remember that there were millions of fans in mourning for the King of Rock and Roll. One of the reporters that I worked with at WSBTV News asked me, if I thought Elvis had gone to heaven; that there was no record that he knew of that he had ever been saved and that he was involved in some things that bordered on perversion. I emphatically told him, YES. The reasons I had this opinion were several. First, Elvis was born a poor sharecroppers son in Tupelo, Mississippi, who had a fundamentalist upbringing in the country church. He loved the Lord and you could tell it when he sung his Gospel songs. He would sing them as if he was singing them unto the Lord. A friend of mine who was a member of the Stamps Quartet, a group that frequently backed up Elvis in a number of his secular songs told me, that Elvis loved singing Gospel music. J. D. Sumner, the legendary bass singer for the Stamps quartet and the Blackwood Brothers loved Elvis and the two of them established new audiences for gospel music. It is one of those favorite stories that Elvis' only demand was that he wanted to make sure that J. D. Sumner's voice could be heard in the background. J. D. knew that Elvis loved Gospel music. By working with Elvis, J. D. Sumner and the Stamps Quartet created a whole new fan base for gospel music. Even though J. D. Sumner and the Stamps Quartet worked with Elvis, they maintained a full gospel itinerary, which presented the best of both worlds. Records would show that in the time frame they were working both arenas, they had the opportunity to present gospel music to more audiences and a larger number of people than anyone had, before that time. After a recording session, he would often invite the backup singers to Graceland and they would sing Gospel music until they couldn't sing anymore; often til daybreak. At all of Elvis' concerts, he would honor the Lord by singing, "How Great Thou Art" and the "Battle Hymn of the Republic." Elvis never won a Grammy for any of his secular music, but he won three Grammies for his Gospel Music.
Elvis did not have a mean bone in his body. Whenever someone would speak ill of another, Elvis would walk away, and the message that he conveyed resonated with everyone that knew him. Elvis' music transcended style by taking what was known as rockabilly, a combo of rock and hillbilly, and turning it into Rock and Roll. Even his rock and roll evolved into something more, that in his final years, he was singing American Trilogy and In the Ghetto.
For me, I don't want to remember any of the bad about Elvis, because I've got those areas of my life that I don't care to remember either. I want to look at the entire life, the man, a patriot, a talented musician and singer, and a lovable human being who was in love with the Lord.