Perhaps the anti-christ has not yet come, but the spirit of anti-christ is everywhere. Even though we have not reached that point in Bible prophesy, the signs of the coming of the anti-christ are as sure as the leaves beginning to bud on the fig tree.
It doesn't really matter if you are Four Square, Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Mormon, or Seventh Day Adventist. There's one thing that we can all agree on and that is the Christian Church, not only here in America, but around the world is under attack like it hasn't been since the reigns of terror of Roman Emperors Caligula and Nero. Nearly all of Christ's disciple's, the Apostle Paul and a million other early Christians were martyred at the hands of those two Romans tyrants. Presently, the Church is under attack on several fronts. The Muslims present the biggest threat to the Church worldwide, and according to experts in Middle East and Persian Gulf affairs, tell us that the world population on Islamics is growing six times faster than non Islamic religions and it is their quest to conquer the world for Islam. Radical Islamic Imams have declared an all out jihad against the infidels; meaning Christians, Jews and any other religion that is not Islamic. Their hate filled rhetoric being spewed forth have put our missionaries around the globe in constant danger from these Islamic fanatics, and are being killed simply because they are spreading the Gospel. Their own holy book, the Koran, tells them to kill the infidels where they sleep. We need to remember the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001 to remind us of their evil intent.
The spirit of anti-christ is clearly on display in New York City with all the controversy surrounding the proposed mosque to be built near the site of the World Trade Center Towers. We who remember September 11, 2001, are now being accused of being anti Muslim because we don't want a mosque built near Ground Zero. We are being accused of being anti Constitution for being adamant about not wanting the mosque by denying them freedom of religion. In no way we as Christians are denying them the freedom to worship. Christians everywhere should stand up to this affront because we recognize this mosque for what it is. It is a shrine of victory for the Islamics who want to build it there under the guise that it is a place for peace, tolerance, and interfaith understanding. There are already over a hundred mosques in New York and there is no objection for this one being built as long as it is somewhere else. Background research has found that Imam Rauf, the one who is pushing for the mosque, has already revealed his sinister intentions in recorded and documented speeches he has made. He has already been found out that he is a deceiver and a liar.
The mosque, supposedly to be named Cordoba House, would be a shrine to Islamic victory, just as the Dome of the Rock which sits atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and in Spain, the Cordoba House, which is a rub it in your face. insulting term gloating over their victory over the Christians. It is a shrine to the Muslim conquerors who symbolized their victory over the Spaniards by transforming a church there into the world’s third largest mosque complex. This issue is a test for Americans to see if we are going to be bullied by these so called immigrants who refuse to assimilate into our society in their undeniable goal of conquering the entire world for Islam. Already, there are New Yorkers, including the Mayor and the City Council who are backing the mosque and are arrogantly ignoring the will of the people by issuing a permit to build it. They are historically ignorant and they lecture us on being intolerant when it is the Islamics who are the most intolerant people on earth. No churches or synagogues can be built in Saudi Arabia, or any other Islamic dominant country. No Jew or Christian is even allowed to enter the city of Mecca, and our missionaries face imprisonment for spreading the gospel. They claim that we are judging the entire faith by a few fanatics. True devout Islamics don't carry out terroristic acts. Was it not devout Islamics who flew planes into the Towers and was it not a devout Islamic who shot and killed several soldiers and civilians at Fort Hood Texas? I know that there are moderates; there always are, but in this case you can't tell them apart because Islamic militants are masters of deception and they mix in with those who want to live in peace with others of different faiths. Even the very elite are deceived. I personally find it difficult to accept Islam under any circumstances; even the moderates because they have done nothing to fix their religion, but cower in fear. If there is a spirit of anti-christ, it is ever so obvious in New York City. The Christian Church has to take a stand in this. This mosque must not be built.
The spirit of anti-christ is prevalent right here in our own government. Left wing radicals, secular humanists who advocate the one, centralized world government and open borders, atheists, and others, including our own courts and taxpayer supported institutions, have also launched attacks against the Church. For example, the American Civil Liberties Union, which is a private funded organization which also receives grants from our own government. The ACLU, is almost in constant litigation against a church or a group because some benign Christian object such as a road sign in the desert, or a cross on top of a mountain, a Christmas manger scene is offensive to someone. Even the words In God We Trust and One Nation Under God are under being challenged in the court using the tired, well over used reason that it violates the separation of Church and state clause in the Constitution. I really don't need to tell you this because you should be well aware of this almost daily occurrence by these attention craving individuals. What bothers me most about all this is that we have people in our own government that are in support of this persecution of the Church. The US 9th Circuit of the Court of Appeals, which is notorious for overturning the will of the people via legislation from the judicial bench by activist judges, is the one place that an attorney specializing in frivolous civil rights lawsuits will take on one of these cases pro bono. These lawyers know they can count on this court to rule in their favor, no matter how ridiculous their case is. Nonetheless, the Christian Church and Christians make for easy targets and it is the taxpayers that are taking the hit in paying these attorneys large sums of money. The American Center for Law and Justice, headed up by attorney Jay Sekulow is the best known donation supported organization, does not receive any government grants, is dedicated to the challenges to our religious freedoms. Unfortunately, there are too many cases that need to be defended and the ACLJ is simply overworked and undermanned to take on every case. The ACMJ needs help and this is where the Church itself must take a stand. The ACMJ is a worthy cause that needs our support; and individual churches should consider the ACMJ as a ministry that needs the support of the Church. We can no longer afford to be run over roughshod because in the political climate in which we find ourselves, our Christian principles and institutions are under attack; right here in the USA. The left wing Liberals who are in control of the government right now look at Christians as being intolerant bigots because of our stands against homosexuality, abortion, and the apologetic gestures toward those enemies that would kill us if given half a chance. They look at our Constitution as being a major hindrance to their Marxist, even Stalinist agenda. Even the President of the United States, who claims to be a Christian; there are those of us who have our doubts because of his lack of parliamentary actions, is lecturing us on being tolerant to Muslims and understanding of the Islamic faith, has openly declared that the United States is no longer a Christian nation. This has opened the door to more in your face persecution of Christians and the Church. Jesus' words, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man can go to the Father except by me no longer have any validity because the Holy Bible is regarded as hate speech in the far left wing sectors of our society.
What bothers me most is how liberalism has crept into our mainstream denominational churches and for the most part, the message they are putting out is tolerance. Tolerance is what got us into the state we find ourselves today. Tolerance is responsible for the politically correct climate in which we are entrenched. I attended a graduation ceremony of a major denomination owned university a few years ago, who displayed their large red cross icon and flame; yet not one word by the guest speakers, who were basically left wing radicals or the peacock attired academia elites, mentioned a word about Jesus Christ or God. Even the invocation was politically correct in that it referred to God as the Great Supreme Being so as not to offend anyone, let alone end the prayer in Our Heavenly Father or Jesus' name. I could hear the groans of those attending parents and relatives as the guest speakers spouted off about their ideology, or what's wrong with America and our image around the world. I can remember when the United States of America was the beacon, the city on the hill, where all the world could see, a land of hope and freedom.
All this is frightening, I know, and you probably feel helpless in wanting to do something to stop this trend. Fortunately, the Tea Party movement has united us in trying to get this nation turned around into the right direction, and hopefully this November there will be a change in who's in charge of running the country. Until then, however, we do have a most powerful weapon. It's called prayer. Believe me, the Lord knows what we are facing, and He is the God who inhabits the praises and hears the prayers of His people. Pray for this country daily as if your life depended on it; it does. Not to sound self righteous, but I pray for this country everyday; praying that there be a mighty revival across this land, the magnitude the world has never seen, where millions upon millions would be saved, and once again the United States of America would be that beacon; that city upon the hill. Then the world will see that there is indeed a God in the United States of America, and it is the Lord.