Monday, October 19, 2009


Ever since Hal Lindsey wrote the Late Great Planet Earth back in 1970,I have been interested in end time prophesy. I confess that when I started delving into this challenging and thought provoking subject I was a bit confused and with the world situation the way it was (The Cold War) I couldn't see how much of what Lindsey wrote would be possible. Of all Lindsey's predictions, the one that stands out the most is the reforming of the old Roman Empire into what Lindsey dubbed the United States of Europe. From its capital the anti-christ would arise. Lindsey predicted that there would be ten member states, and this would actually become the European Union. In today's European Union there are 27 states, and with the additional states being those that broke away from the former Soviet Union. Whether or not some mergers will take place, or the present setup will be dumped in favor of a new one remains to be seen. It must be noted however that in the western alliance, there are just ten member states. All of this of course is subject to change.

In most end time prophetic literature, one thing is apparent concerning the United States. It's not mentioned. Perhaps this is why I feel that the United States is a nation apart, sanctified if you will, because we are One Nation Under God. We were founded on Godly principles. Another reason is that we are the most blessed nation of earth is that we are Israel's only true ally.

Within the year of following the 911 attack on the World Trade Towers, the 911 Commission was established. One of their first jobs was to find out why the Muslim world hated us. We as Christians know the obvious reason. It's because we are friends with Israel. God says in His Word that He would Bless the nation that blesses Israel and curse the ones that curse Israel.

I remember when President Clinton invited Yassir Arafat, a known terrorist, one of those that took part in the massacre of Israeli Olympic team members in Munich, Germany in 1972, to stay overnight at the White House. It wasn't long after that President Clinton's personal problems and scandals began to emerge. When President Bush took office, he reestablished support for Israel and our economy took off. Israel has been an indispensable ally in the War on Terror.

Another thing that stands out about Lindsey's predictions from the seventies is the Gog and Magog as mentioned in the Book of Daniel are states that were once part of the former Soviet Union, all Islamic, along with nations of Europe would rise up against Israel. What puzzled me about this was how could Christian nations such as Italy and France knowing what the Jews have gone through with the holocaust and present day anti-semitism go along with the destruction of Israel? The answer is becoming more clear. The immigration of Muslims into Europe has reached alarming proportions. While the Europeans have been engaging in immoral sexual behavior and aborting their babies, the average Muslim family is having an average of eight. Already throngs of Muslims are marching and making demands throughout Europe. This March of Peace took place in the UK in February of this year. The passive and politically correct governments are cowering to their demands and the situation is getting worse. In the foreseeable future, the French are going to wake up and discover that they are now an Islamic republic.

Since the United States is not referred to in the end time prophesies doesn't necessarily mean that we are not going to be involved. From all the prophesies concerning the end time we are told that the events that are to take place are going to happen in that part of the world, in the Middle East, Europe, and Western Asia. In the the destruction and tribulation and destruction of Israel, one of two or possibly both may take place. It would have to happen so quickly that the United States would have little or no time to react. The other really scares me, that the United States abandons Israel and leaves them hanging out to dry. Israel would then be left with only its Samson Option, destroy yourselves and takes as many of your enemies with you as you can. A lot depends on who we elect as President of the United States whether or not the United States supports Israel. The Europeans, and their associates in this country consider themselves to be superior and enlightened in their cowardly passiveness have failed to learn from the lessons of history and are doomed to repeat it. Sorry, but I have to say this; with the exception of the faithful few, I fear that Europe is on the fast track to hell.

Satan has placed blinders on the rest of the world because they refuse to recognize the real enemy which is presently dwelling among them. These are the same people who sacrificed their children to idols by throwing them into a fiery cauldron. What would be the difference if they strapped a bomb on their children and send them into a crowded shopping district for the sake of jihad? There are no more vile and wicked people than these Islamic extremists who who would send their innocent children to their deaths in order to advance their evil cause in the name of Allah.

As current events unfold, such as what's going on with Iran and its all too familiar rhetoric by its leaders, it is extremely important this next presidential election who we put the Oval Office. A president who wants us to be liked and go along with the rest of the world, or a president who stands up for the United States and Israel, adhere to our Constitution, keeping us apart from the rest of the world. How can God say it any plainer, I will bless the nation that stands with Israel.

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