I was driving down Moreland Avenue near Little Five Points, not long ago, and saw a young woman driving a Dodge Colt with bumper stickers plastered all over it. One of the bumper stickers, not the one that said "War is not the Answer", or "Give Peace a Chance", but the one that said, "Live Simply so that others may simply live, "and was next to the Christian fish symbol that had the feet added, caught my eye. My initial reaction was that I wanted to give her the middle finger salute, but being a Christian, I didn't. She was living simple, all right, and she probably was proud of the noble sacrifice she was making by "living simple so that others could simply live." I remember an evangelist saying once, "Jesus said, the poor you will always have with you." He was right, Jesus did say that. The evangelist added, "He also said, don't be one of them." I have never understood why some people have to take vows of poverty to be happy, but it really isn't about happiness; it's about guilt. To liberals, unless you are one of the elite, a person can have too much and it isn't right that Americans have so much more than the rest of the world.
According to the bicycle riding, granola bar eating, Birkenstock wearing, anti-war, dope smoking, tree hugging, environmentalist, global warming crowd, I am a global warming denier. Well, I guess even they have to be right about something once in a while. I detest being lectured to by these liberal, socialist, malcontents that blame America first for everything. I know, I know, I sound like one of the many talk radio hosts when I repeat their talking points. Unlike the talk radio personalities, my reasons for opposing the global warming or climate change hoax goes far deeper than their talking points.
All of my adult life, I have been interested in Bible prophesy, especially the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation. I have also been interested in books dealing with the topic of end time prophesy, for instance; The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey. Lindsey's runaway best seller of the seventies was the one book besides the Bible that had the most influence on me during that time. In his book, Lindsey discusses the reformation of the old Roman Empire, that eventually becomes the United States of Europe. His prediction was reasonably accurate in that the European Union actually became the name instead, at least for now. I say at least, for now, with a reason; Lindsey predicted that there would be ten member states, but there are twenty-five in the European Union. Wait a minute, here; how can this be? Simple; everything in Europe is subject to sudden change, and no one predicted that when Ronald Reagan told Michail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall", that it would trigger the breakup of the Soviet Union into another fifteen countries. Anyone who has studied world history has seen how the boundary lines in Europe change practically every decade.
So what does this have to do with climate change or global warming? The answer is, its not about saving the polar bears, the spotted owl, or the snail darter. Its about one world government, and control. They are using the global warming/climate change hoax as a vehicle to drive their agenda, to prey upon the fears of school children, the ignorant and misinformed. These liberal socialists want America to surrender their sovereignty and join the rest of the world where they can tell us where to live, what kind of car to drive, what light bulbs to use, what kind of clothes to wear, and what subjects we are to take in school. According to them, it is America, the United States that is holding up things. I got news for them; it ain 't gonna happen as long as I have breath in my body.
The one world government is discussed at length in the prophetic books. They also talk about the Mark of the Beast, the number 666, along with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. I have read the prophetic books, and I can't seem to find any kind of reference to the United States. This leads me to believe that the end time prophesies, the tribulation, and the destruction and the persecution of believers is not about us, but them, the Europeans, and those in the Middle East, and the Arab/Muslim world. Europe is being taken over by subterfuge, from within by Muslims who have immigrated there as part of the grand plan of taking over the world for Allah. The native Europeans have been in moral decline for the past forty years. One of their main past times, recreational sex includes various forms of sodomy and along with abortion, the birth rate has dropped alarmingly, where the birth rate among Muslims is about six times that of the native citizens. In the not too distant future, some Europeans are going to wake up one morning following an election and discover that they are now a Muslim nation. Already, there is a lot of dissension among native Europeans, especially in Germany and the United Kingdom. One can expect violence to break out any day on a large scale.
As of right now, the European Union doesn't have a constitution, the reason being they can't seem to come to an agreement on one. That doesn't surprise me as I look at European history. Twice, American lives were lost in liberating Europe from the Germans. When liberals try to tell me that Europeans have a higher quality life style, the kind not measured in material possessions, than Americans, its a just another in a long list of liberal lies. If they think that I want to be part of their mess and roll back my lifestyle, then they have another think coming.
The reason I am so passionate in this nonsense regarding the subject of man made climate change and global warming is that the whole thing is a hoax. I am not denying that climate change is taking place; I am denying that man is causing it. In 1992, Mount Pinatubo, an active volcano in the Philippines, erupted and spewed more sulphur dioxide and sulphuric acid, carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere than all the automobiles and factories in the entire history of the world since those things have been around. Somehow, nature took care of all that natural pollution just as it did in the seventies when the Exxon Valdez ran aground in the Prince Edward Sound in Alaska. Despite the millions of dollars that was spent in the most massive crude oil cleanup in history, there were millions of little nooks and crannies that weren't cleaned up. So what happened? Sun light and oxygenation took place and the crude broke down and in a year, the rocks and beaches were as clean as if no spill occurred at all. In other words, if these environmentalists had done nothing, the results would have been the same. However, this incident is still being used by the left to promote their attack on the big oil companies. Nature itself is its own worse polluter; hurricanes, flooding, volcanoes, mudslides, forest fires, all do their share of polluting, but somehow, man tips the balance and we are the ones at fault. God in His creation plan provided nature with a way to clean up its own messes, and it doesn't involve us.
Not since the founding of this country and the hammering out of our Constitution has there been so much partisanship and division in this country. I think it is satanic in origin. My opinion is, that Satan is behind all this division, and seems to be succeeding. There is a war going on between the people who go to church and those who don't. Global warming and climate change just happens to be the battlefield. Satan knows that his time is short and he is throwing everything at us. As the Apostle Paul said, we war not against flesh and blood, but of the rulers, against the powers, against the principalities of darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
Republican presidential candidate John McCain joined Democrats Hillary Roddam Clinton and Barak Hussein Obama and jumped on the global warming bandwagon. This infuriated conservatives again and it was received as another thumb in the eye. There is little doubt that McCain will be the next President, but I pray that conservatives in both parties will unite and at least get a debate started so that this subject can be brought to an end, once and for all. It has been shown that it is a "no contest" when it comes to the left trying to prove their case about man made global warming and climate change; they lose, which is why people like Al Gore refuse to debate the issue.
copyright 2008 Daniel Casey May 29, 2008
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