Thursday, October 22, 2009


One of the most disturbing scenes I witnessed on television news last fall just before the 2008 elections was the kind of answers that were given by Barack Obama supporters when asked why they were supporting him? I vividly recall one lady saying that he was going to get her a new house. Another said he was going to get health care and yet Another said that he was going to save her house by forgiving the debt she owed on the mortgage. Almost everyone that was interviewed gave similar answers; after all, they were promised hope and change and they were expecting to receive something in exchange for their vote. Barack Obama was elected President of the United States. He's been in office for nine months and he has failed to deliver on any of his promises. Where is the hope and change now?

That's the way it is when governments try to supplant God as their source for the people. The government does not produce anything; they can only take away from others and give to someone else in the form of taxation and wealth redistribution; taking from those who earned it and giving it to those who did do nothing to earn it. This is called Socialism, and Marxism is an embellishment of Socialism in that it takes control of everything from health care, education, even the factories and manufacturing plants, where you work, where you live, and what kind of car you drive. When a person is on the bottom rung of the economic ladder, it is easy for them to be manipulated into embracing this ideology and depend on the government to provide for them from cradle to the grave. This time, however, those in power have been exposed and a resistance has been coalescing and is getting stronger every day.

In the early 1960's, when US President Lyndon Baines Johnson was in office, he introduced the so called Great Society where poverty would come to an end in this country. The Great Society became the largest Socialist giveaway program in history, over ten trillion dollars. Poverty did not end and The Great Society was a massive failure. Instead, it became a monstrous comfort zone for people who had little to no ambition, or any inclination to do anything to help themselves. The tragic results of this wasteful entitlement program are immeasurable in terms of literal destruction of the black family; the emasculated father figure as the provider in the home was replaced when the government stepped in to take his place. Until that time in the mid-sixties, it was the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the country. The awful reaction from this flawed social program is the condition that is prevalent today in our inner cities, where poverty, drug and alcohol addiction, and street kids from fatherless families run in gangs in neighborhoods where crime runs rampant. They are not taught the lessons in how to live life, but are taught where to go to receive their handouts. . Thus, a class of government dependants has emerged whom the Democrat Party depends, designed to keep themselves in power in our cities by receiving in one huge block vote made up of welfare recipients, bureaucrats and special interest groups. Meanwhile, thousands of male children grow up not being equipped in how live life, but find themselves locked up in prison, where the number of young black males outnumber those that are enrolled in college. Their class envy and life of crime is fueled by coveteness, finding themselves in a hopeless world of lack and poverty in the midst of a world of plenty This is of course is not what the Socialists who masterminded this plot intended, and their answer always is that the programs are underfunded.

Of course, it is these limousine Liberals who have all the best intentions who inconvenience themselves once or twice a year, usually at Thanksgiving and Christmas, who in order to make themselves feel good, go to the homeless shelters and serve their fellow human beings in the food lines. I'm not pointing the finger at those of you who care for your fellow man year round, but those who wear the little ribbons on their lapels, and you have seen them on TV on the award shows, silently proclaiming that I care more than you do because I'm wearing this ribbon. Jesus, Himself, was aware of this when he saw the Pharisees standing in the market place praying out loud for all to see how devout they were. The one thing that angered Jesus the most was their hypocrisy, and I don't have to tell you of the overwhelming abundance of hypocrisy on the Left.

Our country right now is in turmoil, bordering on chaos politically. Not since the War Between the States has there be such a division among the people. As our Legislative branch has been taken over by the Left, a super majority in the House of Representatives and a filibuster proof Senate, and a radical Left wing president who is filling appointee positions with as many radical extremists he can. Now, the opposition has the potential of pushing onto us any state sponsored program without any help from our side. Our judicial system has become corrupt and the economic outlook is bleak, with a full blown depression waiting for the right moment to manifest itself. We are in danger of becoming at least a Socialist country while the rest of the world is trying to rid itself of socialism, or worse, a Marxist country where the government controls everything. The bailouts are the first step in the takeover and largest power grab in American history.

Would you have thought a year ago that all this would happen here, in this of all countries? Many of us did see this coming because about 48% of us knew what we were up against. The other 52% got caught up in the fervor of a promise of hope and change, and a new direction, not taking into consideration what direction that would be. Many people voted for the first time, a lot of college students, the so called enlightened ones, who have been indoctrinated by the liberal institutes of higher learning which have been co opted by the Left. The big three broadcast news networks did not carry out their responsibilities as journalists and look into the background of all the candidates objectively. Had they, we would not have an enigma of a man as President, a man who hides all the things that we as citizens have the right to know. We even have doubts if this man is even qualified to be President because he has yet to provide a legal, birth certificate to show that indeed he is a citizen of the United States.

Most of us, Christians, whom those on the Left label Right Wing Extremists now find ourselves having to fight, showing resistance to the move that is going on in Washington to turn this nation from the godly nation that our founding fathers intended into a secular, godless, and classless society. A lot of us are fearful that the Left is winning and our outlook is dismal at best. However, there is a rainbow on the horizon. Serious divisions are cropping up in the Democrat party. There are Conservatives within the Democrats, called Blue Dogs, who have thrown a monkey wrench into the plans of the Speaker of the House Pelosi and Senate where they are forced to go it alone and use the nuclear option, a simple up or down vote to push these gigantic Socialist programs through. Once the nuclear option is implemented and it fails, there will be a general house cleaning within the Democrat Party with the leftists being thrown out of office.
Recently polling data has shown that the people in California, the state where the Speaker is from, has only a 33 percent approval rating, which means she can be defeated in next year's election. Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader from Nevada probably will not be reelected. The chances for Republicans to win back the House and at least a sizable number of seats in the Senate are very good, provided they can keep Acorn out of it and voter fraud at a minimum.
For those godless, secular humanists who want to eliminate God from our foundation as a country and rewrite the US Constitution, God has a word for them. From the One who sends the rain on the just and the unjust, and places the bow in the sky, I WILL NOT BE MOCKED AND I WILL NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO CONTROL MY WEATHER. Dan Casey 22 Oct 2009

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