Don't you find it a little hard to believe that there is a large group of people in this country that consider "global warming" to be the greatest threat to the future of this planet? With all that is going on in the Middle East and the rest of the Arab Muslim world with the threat of World War III, don't you find that rather strange? Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, with all his rhetoric in his quest to obtain nuclear weapons, has promised on numerous occasions to wipe Israel off the map and has placed the rest of the civilized world on alert. A preemptive strike by Israel on Iran could trigger all sorts of unimaginable scenarios. An attack by Iran on Israel could bring the United States and several other countries into the conflict on a much larger scale. Pakistan, India, and Israel have nuclear capabilities, and in the last few days we have witnessed how unstable the political situation in Pakistan, a Muslim nation, has become. It is not known for certain that several Muslim states that were part of the former Soviet Union have nuclear weapons or not.
Nevertheless, the Greenland ice flows are melting, sea levels are rising and the polar bears are going to drown has become the mantra for the left wing environmentalists in this country. It doesn't matter that the opposite is taking place on the other end of the globe. They are undermining our efforts and disparaging our troops in our war against the evil that threatens every Christian and Jew and lover of freedom and democracy on this blue orb. The not so "mainstream media," network television particularly, are aiding and abetting this push for all of us to cut back our lifestyles by limiting our energy usage. Raising our taxes is the answer to get us on board with the rest of the world to fight this threat to humanity. After all, isn't it the United States and capitalism that is using up the world's resources and creating the most pollution? By being on the politically correct side of the issue, the four major networks began the new fall season by kicking off with a "GOING GREEN" campaign. As the networks battle for ratings, the "GOING GREEN" campaign hopefully will accomplish two things. Since we are all dying to do our part, the campaign will make us feel good about ourselves while watching their programming and remind us that we should elect politicians that place this issue at the top of their agenda. This means of course, taking absurdities to new levels. The networks have stated that this crusade against "global warming" as if man really had something to do with the cause of it, is not a political. Pardon me, but it is. When the television networks invite former senator and Vice President Al Gore on their early morning shows to talk about this scam of all scams, it erased any doubts in my mind as to its intentions. Thank God for the Writers' strike. After Al Gore's got his Oscar for "An Inconvenient Truth",business analysts are saying that Hollywood is dying because business is so bad; does anyone have a shovel? I forgot to mention that Al Gore is co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize this year. Palestinian Liberation Organization President Yassir Arafat, a member of the Black September thugs that murdered the Israeli Wrestling Team members at the 1972 Munich Olympics was also a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Being a member of the news media for forty plus years, I was there in the heyday when television news was heralded on the three major networks of that time. I filmed the stories and wrote none of the copy. Oftentimes, I disagreed with what was being written about what I just filmed. The reason that I came to realize why, was that liberals had control of the media, both print and broadcast. They presented themselves to everyone that they were "objective" even though I look back now and see the great majority weren't. I admit, they did a good job of concealing their prejudices. They had me fooled to the point that I thought that I was the one that was out of step because of my Conservative views. When I strongly took exception to what was written about a story in which I filmed, I was shunned, even ridiculed complete with rolling eyes and "Oh please!" Being a Christian in that kind of environment was tough and I endured a lot of persecution in the workplace. There were those that tried to get me fired by building a case that I was troublemaker. However, the Lord stood by me during those times. I retired recently with forty years service and all those that tried to get rid of me are long gone. At my retirement party, I was honored with a lot of kind words and praises. My family was impressed by all that was said about me.
Looking back over forty years, I witnessed the rise of the communist-socialist left in this country. "Make Love, Not War" was their chant as they marched by the thousands in the streets of the United States. The pressure this movement exerted forced the politicos in Washington to withdraw our troops from Viet Nam. Even though the American forces had decimated the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong as a fighting force during the Tet Offensive of 1968. Why did we pull out? Because our "most trusted man in America" Walter Cronkite declared that the war was unwindable. Now, it is known that Walter Cronkite is a firm liberal on the same scale of that of Jimmy Carter. A large number of the dope-smoking leftists that marched in protest to the Viet Nam war in the sixties are now occupying seats of power in all branches of our federal government; from the House and Senate, the Courts, and the State Department. Others have found tenure and position in our colleges and universities where they are now propagandizing our sons and daughters in the captive audience of the classroom and using their grades to force the issues like having to watch Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth." The remaining dregs, few in number, are still marching and protesting try to drum up sentiment against the war, trying to make it another Viet Nam. The environmental movement has become their RELIGION and has become the number one item on their agenda. They are using the movement to subvert the rest of us into adopting their socialist ideology while feeling sorry for the polar bears.
The left have tried to make the "War on Terror" another Viet Nam. They have failed. We are winning the war in Iraq in spite of a lot of political resistance here at home. Instead, we are being besieged by left-winged liberals in the media with a lot of propaganda about global warming. All this alarm about our planet being in peril that is being aimed at us is political; make no mistake about it. This was all prophesied by our Lord in Luke 21:25-28. And there will be signs in sun moon and stars, and upon the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, :26 men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. :27 And they shall see THE SON OF MAN coming in a cloud with power and great glory. :28 But when these things take place,straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.
Daniel A. Casey Friday, November 9, 2007
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